Efter att Dave Perry sålde sitt livsverk #Shiny Entertainment har han arbetat med en rad projekt utan att vara underskriven någon utvecklare eller utgivare. Detta gör att han kan tala fritt om spelindustrin utan något som Gamesindustry.biz tog fasta på när de intervjuade honom.

Bland annat talar de om Playstation 3 en konsol som Perry själv ser som ett en maskin med "sinnesjuk" hårdvara och enorm potential:

It's absolutely insane hardware, and most people don't really understand that. I've been to the technical summit, I've sat there and listened to complete disclosure of what's in that machine. Being a programmer, it made me just sit there and go, 'Oh my God, this machine's incredible.

Samtidigt höjer han dock ett varningens finger för att det kommer ta ett par år innan vi verkligen ser vad konsolen är kapabel till:

I haven't seen a single game that shows me the power of PlayStation 3. I haven't seen anything even close to what the machine's capable of doing. So that's the sad part for Sony - I feel really bad for them that somebody hasn't really stepped up to show us the hardware all singing, all dancing. The point is you're not going to get to see the PlayStation 3 for probably a couple of years, and then you're going to go, 'Wow, that's incredible.

Som så många andra ifrågasätter han också konsolens pris som han anser är på tok för högt:

Here's my problem - are you going to make the next PlayStation even more expensive? If they think they did it right this time, the answer would be yes, because it's more powerful, people are going to pay for it, whatever... No, they're not.

Perry talar dock inte bara om Playstation 3 utan han hyllar även Xbox 360 och menar att Microsoft borde bygga vidare på deras koncept att låta köparna själva välja vilka funktioner deras konsol ska ha:

One thing I wanted to do was to have consoles scaleable based on what you can afford. You start with great, you don't start with sh*t - then if I want to spend $1000 on my Xbox, I should be able to do that, to add more memory, make it run faster, do whatever I want to customise my machine.