Trackmania Nations Forever gratis till veckan


Jävligt nice också att det kommer på onsdag. Då den dagen har jag avklarat en hel del skoluppgifter så det blir att spela loss den dagen då.

Skrivet av Night Hawk:

Trackmania är det bästa bilspelet

Bygger du det på den realism spelet har eller?


Informationsbrev, jasså det är så det kallas nu. Jag antar att de vill informera om vilket konto man ska betala in skadeståndssumman till.

Skrivet av Cyberz:

Ser verkligen nice ut. Men skulle hellre vilja ha det för ps3




Vad är "StarForce"?=)


"Q : Will the new NO-CD system mean TM will finally run on Linux with no problems? Is this truly an end to StarForce on TM Products?

Originally posted by Nadeo ...
I have explained a lot of things on that, and apparently, it is still not understood by many players. Cheating appeared on United because we used SF lite. It would not have appeared otherwise. We have spent a lot of programming resources to make our own protection, but this whole SF thing has been way misunderstood by many people. My goal today is still to focus on players fun, and if SF can help us one day, I will still use it. Even if I understand the bad side to having troubles with protections. It is our everyday life reality: protections bring constraints for everybody. To deny this disqualifies having constructive discussion on the subject. It does not mean that I want more constraints! But sometimes, there is a need for protection. Our goal is to limit the consequences."

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