Space Engineers har, efter fem års tid i Early Access-program, släppts i en skarp version. Vilket firas genom att köra en gratishelg på Steam så att de dryga 200 000 regelbundet spelande rymdingenjörerna får lite sällskap.

Hello, Engineers! February 28, 2019 is the day for all Space Engineers. Today, we are moving Space Engineers out of Early Access. Getting Space Engineers out of Early Access has been planned for a long time. We have worked on it basically since 2016/2017, when the game entered beta. It was our goal to release the game in the state we consider to fulfill our original vision, including all planned features and core game components. Moreover, the game includes a lot of things that were not planned at the beginning of development (solar panels, planets, rotors, pistons, wheels, and many more features).

Utvecklarna meddelar också att de sålt över 3 miljoner exemplar av spelet och att man efter gratishelgen kommer att öka priset en smula. De närmaste dagarna har du dock 20 % rabatt.