Den bästa filmrepliken någonsin?


"is that your gun? -Heh!"


"Eat shit and die!"


"I am pretty fucking far from OK"


Knasterband2 skrev:
Ungefär hur läskigt är det? Måste veta, för jag var nära på att bajsa på mig när jag försökte spela demot till AvP2


The war is not yet over its just begun.:O


Mearly a flesh wound! John cleese i holy grail.

Skrivet av Exeron:

"An excuse is like an ass, everybody has one..."

Den var ju riktigt bra den.


Bra kylning IsTheShit


"This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!" - The Big Lebowski[/quote] Glömde helt bort den Walter sa det eller?


En going från Holy Grail av Monty Python: "Nonsense, it's just a flesh-wound." säger riddaren när kung Arthur vill sluta striden efter att ha kapat riddarens ena arm. Han hugger sedan av både ben och resterande arm. Älskar Monty-gänget.


To boldly go where everyone's been before.


"Luke i am your father"
från star wars

Skrivet av El-Dudeerino:

- Uuuh everything is under control, situation normal.
- What happened?
- ahh we had a slight weapons malfunction..but-aa everything is perfectly allright now...uhh we're fine, we're all fine thank are you?(D'oh)

- We're sending a squad up!

- Uuuhh negetive negetive, we have a reactor leak here now..uhh give us a few minutes to lock it down, large leak, very dangerous!

- WHO IS THIS?! What's your operating number?!

- eehh...*Han Solo skjuter terminalen med sin blaster*, boring conversation anyway, LUKE WE'RE GONNA HAVE COMPANY!!!

/ Star Wars Episode IV

Harrison Ford är så jäkla bra. En av mina favoritskådisar

Måste också nämna "No I am your father" scenen. Den är fantastisk.

Sedan Älskar jag Lord of the Rings trilogin som är fullproppad med underbara repliker som går in i hjärtat.


Gandalf: "I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil."

Skrivet av Donqen:

"Victory shall be mine" - Stewie, Family Guy

"Die vile woman!" - också Stewie
Och en från Simpson Filmen

Bart - "This is the worst day ever"

Homer - "The worst day so far"

Älskar den


I be back
från terminator




My foot up your ass! - Red(that 70's show)


Vincent: Want some bacon?
Jules: No man, I dont eat pork.
Vincent: Are you Jewish?
Jules: Nah, I aint Jewish, I just dont dig on swine, thats all.
Vincent: Why not?
Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I dont eat filthy animals.
Vincent: Yeah, but bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but Id never know cause I wouldnt eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. Thats a filthy animal. I aint eatin nothin that aint got sense enough to disregard its own feces.
Vincent: How about a dog? Dog eats its own feces.
Jules: I dont eat dog either.
Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
Jules: I wouldnt go so far as to call a dog filthy but theyre definitely dirty. A dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.
Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
Jules: Well wed have to be talkin about one charmin motherfuckin pig. I mean hed have to be ten times more charmin than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what Im sayin??
Vincent: Haha! Thats good.

Från pulp fiction

So, ladies and gentlemen... if I say I'm an oil man you will agree.

Från There will be blood

"Do I look like a guy who has a plan? I'm like a dog chasing a car. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I caught it. I just do things. So when I say it was nothing personal, I mean it."

The dark knight


Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun


I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in,
i'm going to bash em right the fuck in! - Shining

Look, there's two women fucking a polar bear! - Fear and loathing in las vegas


pallade så klart inte läsa igenom allt, men lämnar mitt bidrag här


- Bravehart


"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."


Härmed lovar jag att aldrig köpa ett spel igen! Med undantag spel som jag MÅSTE köpa för att kunna spela.


Brick Top: In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?

Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish; I'm sweet enough.

Brick Top: Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.


"Jabba, I am your uncle"


"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." Den gillar jag


"Assumption is the mother of all fuckups" - Tror den kommer från Heartbreak Ridge, ack så bra att leva sitt liv efter.


Vet inte om det redan är sagt men: My name is Bond, James Bond


B lup


In the world I see ? you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.
Tyler Durden, Fight Club

Denna är jävligt nice också
You are the allsinging, alldancing crap of the world


Go for it - ALL or Nothing!


- "Call 911"
- "What's the number?"


You can't win the game...


Scarface - "I always tell the truth! Even when i lie!"


"When you dance with the devil, you wait for the song to stop."

Lock stock


When pushed, killing is as easy as breathing.

/ Rambo


Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun


Måste nog säga att Talladega Nights är filmen med de bästa replikerna, personligen skrattade jag nästan ihjäl mig när jag såg den.

- "Hey Ricky, when you got the stereo on at the same time as the TV, how do you control the volume on the TV?
- Why do you wanna control the volume on the TV?
- Cause' I like to party".

Tycker det är så klockrent att Cal Naughton snor Rickys fru, hus, bil och barn under tiden Ricky är på sjukhuset i 4 timmar (han hinner under denna tiden starta och avbryta en terapibehandling, börja i ett handikapp-basketlag, sticka en kniv i sitt lår samt gå från rullstolsbunden till gående).

EDIT: Får ändå inte glömma bort klassikerreplikerna från Scarface och Gudfadern, några av de bästa filmerna någonsin.


I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


When I'm not here, people die.


Ehm.. I.. I belive that uhh.. I dont recall emm.. -George Bush

Skrivet av Arg liten pojke:

Ehm.. I.. I belive that uhh.. I dont recall emm.. -George Bush

I vilken film sade han det?


My goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am.


My mistake. Ingen filmreplik. Bara en replik.

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