Too much to handle!

Too much to handle!

Efter ett tämligen trist halvår har äntligen min spelglädje blomstrat på nytt. Jag vet att jag inte borde klaga, men varför ska en bomb släppas över huvudet på mig istället för en k-pist-salva? (så in i helskotta dålig liknelse)

Tales of Monkey Island, Secret of Monkey Island S.E, Battlefield 1943, gamla spel från LucasArts....Det är för mycket på 2 veckor! Men det är onekligen helt ljuvligt.

Självaste Ron Gilbert kommenterar de antika spelen som hamnade på det hypermoderna steam idag. (läs: igår, men jag lever i dået)

Hold on there, someone check a calendar and see if it's 1989?

In addition to Monkey Island, several of LucasArts (it was called Lucasfilm Games when I was there) classic adventure games are now on Steam, some of which I had the great pleasure of working on. I can't tell everyone how much it warms my cold grumpy heart to see these games re-released, and even more exciting to me is how LucasArts has embraced this wonderful period of their history.

It's hard for me not to think of LucasArts much as someone does their University Alma Mater. I don't work there anymore, put I still take great pride in the things they do and even though there are probably 3 people left that worked there when I did, I feel like they are my family.

When I started at Lucasfilm there were nine people in the entire Game's Group, nine of the smartest people I had ever met. The time I spent working at Lucasfilm were most influential years of my life. They informed much of who I am as a game designer, a programmer and as a person.

I just want to publicly thank everyone at LucasArts for the work they have done on these games and the care they have shown for them.

Han är banne mig en nostalgisk människa. We would make such a great couple...


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