Att belöna spelare med olika sorters lådor med varierande bra innehåll blir allt vanligare i spel. Det måste vara någon primitiv programering inom oss som triggas av de små spänningskickarna varje gång en öppningsanimation dras igång. Annars skulle det ju inte vara så populärt och folk skulle inte ösa pengar på företagen i hopp om att få en åtråvärd pryl. Men när systemet potentiellt kan påverka ett multiplayerspels balansering är man ute på tunn is, vilket Dice fick erfara efter kritik mot Star Wars: Battlefront 2.

I ett färskt blogginlägg meddelar utvecklarna att man tänkt om och strukturerat om systemet så att de allra bästa belöningarna inte längre kommer att finnas i lådor utan fås genom crafting. Likaså är majoriteten av vapnen borttagna ur lådor och arsenalen utökas nu genom olika milstolpar. Vill du ha ett nytt scout-vapen spelar du helt enkelt den klassen.
Klasspecifika prylar kommer fortfarande att ligga i lådor men du kommer samtidigt belönas med sådana genom att, återigen, lira som heavy eller någon av de andra typerna.

  • Epic Star Cards, the highest tier of Star Cards available at launch, have been removed from Crates. To help keep everyone on a level playing field, these Star Cards will primarily be available through crafting, with the exception of special Epic Star Cards available through pre-order, deluxe, and starter packs.

  • You'll need to reach a certain rank to craft upgraded Star Cards. You won't be able to buy a bunch of Crates, grind everything up into crafting materials, and immediately use them to get super powerful Star Cards. You can only upgrade the ability to craft higher tier Star Cards by ranking up through playing the game.

  • Weapons are locked behind specific milestones. While a select few will be found in Crates, the rest can only be attained by play. Want to unlock a new weapon for your Heavy? Play as a Heavy and you’ll gain access to the class’s new weapons.

  • Class-specific gear and items can be unlocked by playing as them. As you progress through your favorite class, you’ll hit milestones granting you class-specific Crates. These will include a mix of Star Cards and Crafting Parts to benefit your class’s development.

This system, as well as all of the others, will be continually iterated on and improved. As we first announced at EA Play in June, we’re committed to keeping the community together. All upcoming weapons, maps, heroes, and vehicles introduced in Star Wars Battlefront II’s post-release content will be free so that players can play alongside friends as the world of Star Wars Battlefront II continues to grow. We know that the magic is in the balance, and we're going to make sure that we continue to make a game that is fun for everyone.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 släpps 17 november och du kommer ha vår recension klar lagom till releasen.