Av oklara skäl valde #Crytek att kalla flerspelardelen i #Crysis Warhead för Crysis Wars, vilket ställt till det en aning för förvirrade spelskribenter. Men övning ger färdighet - i och med att den fjärde patchen till nämnda multiplayerdel sett dagens ljus börjar vi lära oss.

Patchen tar hand om ett par gamla buggar och gör att samtliga grafikinställningar blir tillgängliga för dig som kör en DirectX 9-dator. Förutom patchen har utvecklarna släppt serverfiler för Windows och Linux och utvecklingsverktyg (släpps i två separata filer: "tools" och "source code", båda krävs för användning). Samtliga filer finns att hämta från vårt filarkiv.


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Patch Notes - Patch 1.4

General Fixes

* Fixed a crash relating to dropped weapons
* Fixed an issue where spectating players could impede other players' movement
* Fixed several memory leaks
* Several optimisations
* Scope position broken when picking up the same weapon type

Updates and improvements

* All graphic settings are now available on DX9 machines
* Improved visibility of mouse cursor on bright backgrounds
* Improved hit feedback when shooting vehicles
* Modding interface is now available


* Cloaked players are no longer detected by the Radar Kit
* Reduced radius of Radar Kit scan sound

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Crysis Wars Mod SDK Content

The entire Mod SDK consists of 2 separate installers, one will include all the tools and the other will have the game source code. Here is the detailed list for the contents of the Crysis Wars Mod SDK.

* Game Source Code (patched to Crysis Wars v1.4)

* CryENGINE2 Sandbox2 Editor
* Resource Compiler (32-bit only)
* CryExport plug-in for 3DS Max 9, 10 and 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Polybump plug-in for 3DS Max 9, 10 and 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Polybump application (32-bit and 64-bit)
* CryTIFF plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (32-bit only)
* FMOD Designer Tool (32-bit only)
* Rigging, Artist, Animation Tools for 3DS Max
* CryExport plug-in for XSI
* Engine Settings Manager

Sandbox2 Editor Changelog

Since the release of the Crysis Sandbox2 Editor the dev team has updated the powerful tool quite a bit for the modding community. Find here the changelog of what's new:

* Improved Height-Field Editor:
- Complete overhaul of User Interface
- New options added to show and hide water and map objects
- New tools added to quickly switch to terrain texture layers.
- Modification of Height-Field now translates to editor terrain in real-time
- Added ability to erase current height map
- Added new tool for large preview of height field.

* Improved Terrain Layer Texture Editor:
- Complete overhaul of User Interface
- New section added ?Layer Tasks? for adding layers and assigning surface types to these layers.
- Large preview of current layer texture
- Scale and projection axis now able to be changed more quickly due to new user interface.

* Improved Time Of Day Editor:
- Added automatic scaling of the graphs to suit currently set values for each property.
- Added collapsible sections to each logical property group.
- Record now defaults to ON

* New Visual Flowgraph debugging and features:
- Added debugging to track the logic occurring through the flow graph in realtime.
- Flowgraph viewport can be scrolled with right mouse button while dragging a link.
- "Add selected group" functionality when adding entity in a flowgraph
- Fixed: Incorrect scaling when opening a flowgraph
- Fixed: Flowgraph view moves around when having the save/load dialog box opened

* Track View Editor improvements:
- Added: Copy/Paste nodes in the TrackView editor.
- Fixed: Sequence not reset at a cutscene start with TrackView editor.
- Fixed: Snap key on Trackview to start/end

* Quick search entry inside the CVar dialog window:
- allows quick searching of all cvars

* General Fixes:
- Fixed: Editor windows not always updating after switching windows with alt+tab.
- Fixed: Zoom scaling issues
- Removed several buttons or menu items which were obsolete.