#Eidos pr-byrå Barrington Harvey försökte förra veckan få brittiska speljournalister att inte publicera recensioner av #Tomb Raider: Underworld med låga betyg innan helgen. Företagets begäran gick mellanbra - flera sajter släppte i fredags recensioner med lägre betyg än de önskade åtta av tio. Dessutom har affären fått stor uppmärksamhet, vilket knappast är till fördel för Eidos.

I ett uttalande försöker pr-firmans chef Simon Byron tona ner händelsen. Han säger sig vara fullt medveten om att de varken kan eller vill lägga sig i speljournalisternas arbete. De är däremot säkra på att spelet förtjänar ett betyg på minst åtta av tio. Vilket gör firmans agerande tämligen obegripligt...

Hela uttalandet:

Barrington Harvey is not in the position of telling reviewers what they can and cannot say. We love Tomb Raider and believe it merits a score of at least 8/10, but if someone disagrees that's entirely their prerogative. No problem at all. Seriously: no problem.

Our original NDA stated that in order to receive an advance copy of the game, reviewers agreed not to post reviews ahead of 5:00pm, Wednesday 19th November 2008. Nothing else. No further obligations whatsoever.

As you can clearly see from the scores posted so far, Barrington Harvey has no issue with scores of below eight out of 10 being posted online. The Eurogamer review in questions caused "problems" in so much as it originally contained a couple of minor factual inaccuracies which, to its credit, the site has quickly rectified and addressed (without, quite rightly, changing the context of the review).

Any site, be it Gamespot or whoever, is entirely within their rights to post whatever score they want and no-one is under any sort of obligation to delay any review.

As an ex-journalist myself, I firmly believe in editorial integrity and the right to express an individual opinion. As an agency, we never - ever - make demands of the press in terms of awarding scores; at the end of the day, they are free to score as they wish.

Barrington Harvey has been working hard to ensure the launch scores of Tomb Raider Underworld are in line with our internal review predictions over the launch weekend - but to suggest that we can in some way "silence" reviews of the game is slightly overstating our influence.

Tomb Raider: Underworld släpptes i torsdags förra veckan. FZ:s recension kommer inom kort.