Långtifrån allt material som skapas till ett spel finns med i den slutgiltiga produkten men det är sällan de godsakerna visas upp efteråt, i jämförelse med filmvärldens frosseri i bortklippta scener. När Adam Bormann arbetade på #Monkey Island: Special Edition hittade han dock ett gäng gamla scenarion i den gamla koden som han ville dela med sig av.

My name is Adam Bormann, and I was one of the designers on the Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition. One of the things I worked on was the new hint system, which meant a lot of digging through the old original SCUMM source code to figure out how Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer and company were tracking the state of different puzzles and whether Guybrush had completed something or not. One thing I quickly noticed was that Ron and Tim had left a lot of notes in the code, explaining why things were the way they were, or putting a date when a certain bug was fixed. This was fascinating to see and read.