Inte helt överraskande kanske, men nu är det i alla fall officiellt att #Konami också i höst släpper en ny instans av sin hyllade fotbollssimulator. Namnet blir #Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, vilket innebär att man frångår principen att namnge liren efter vilken ordning de släppts i. Det landar dock som vanligt till de flesta plattformar (minus Wii och den gamla Xboxen), gissningsvis framåt oktober eller november.

Nytt då? Utöver självklarheten att vi i fotspåren av de nya konsolerna (360 och PS3) får avnjuta förbättrad grafik har ett nytt system för datorspelarnas intelligens införts. Systemet ska vara "självlärande" och anpassa sig efter din spelstil.

Key to PES 2008 is a proprietary adaptive AI system entitled Teamvision. Unique to the Konami game, Teamvision is a sophisticated AI programming that learns and adapts according to an individual?s style of play. As such, it will learn new ways to build attacks and to counter specific movements and previous attacking or defensive errors, ensuring games are more in line with the tactical but flowing nature of the real thing.

With the Pro Evolution Soccer series renowned for its fluid, realistic gameplay, the new game builds on the implementation of Teamvision with additional key advances. As with previous releases since its inception in 1996, the ball is again treated as a separate entity, with the timing of shots entirely down to the player, while the new AI ensures that defenders work to close down space and block efforts on goal. Similarly, distribution of passes works along the same lines, with players using the space available to them to switch the ball. Close control has also been enhanced with more control when dribbling the ball, and a number of subtle moves added to bypass defenders and move the ball into space.