Inlägg av Fredrik87

Inlägg som Fredrik87 har skrivit i forumet


The car chase
Course ID: 9LX-W74-H1G
Description: Stel a go-cart and escape from the pursuing koopas.
Polar peak: slip ’n slime
Course ID: 6K6-B03-VWF
Description: Glide down from the mountain and try to stay alive.
Course ID: SS3-F2Q-D3G
Description: Climbing and sliding.
Marios playground
Course ID: H9B-T3Q-69G
Description: Mario has thwomps, koopas, seesaws and other fun things to play with.
Salty puzzle
Course ID: SNP-MB9-CJF
Description: Puzzel level. No mushrooms.