Förra veckan tipsade vi något skämtsamt om en video som går igenom #Destinys story på tre minuter men om det är något spelet har fått kritik för är det just bristande berättande och det något tunna innehållet. Enligt en tråd på Reddit, som fortfarande uppdateras, fanns det betydligt mer att uppleva i den spelbara koden som existerade för ett år sedan men av olika anledningar valde man att backa ambitionerna.

Bland annat skulle den något förvirrande inledningen förklarats närmare och de tre spelbara raserna presenterats mer grundligt. Som du kunde se tidigare idag finns det förmodligen låst innehåll kvar på skivan men uppgiftslämnaren nämner också att fler planeter skulle ha ingått och att minst en större sidokaraktär skalats bort.

I can confirm that there were sudden and abrupt changes in the development of Destiny less than a year ago. There was tension between higher ups the entire time we were developing the title due to a lack of cohesion about the vision for the game. One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards. They were afraid too much story elements and cut scenes would drive players off.

Then Joe left and everything just fell apart. By the time we were 7 months out to release, word came down that we were making massive revisions to the game's story. Huge portions of dialogue were excised and I think several recordings were redone to support the new narrative. Entire areas that would have been in the final game were removed, but some of the context wasn't, which explains weird reactions from NPCs and strange, unexplained motivations. We had a guy come in to write the grimoire cards who was given access to the original script with notations on what was cut and what needed to be revised in order to make this zombie of a game seem plausible.