I samband med stämningen mot Blizzard och deras så kallade frat boy-kultur började det cirkulera en gammal video från Blizzcon 2010. I videon ses Xantia ställa en fråga till Blizzards panel om de kvinnliga karaktärernas kläder i spelet World of Warcraft. Frågan blir i stort bortskrattad av panelmedlemmarna och hon får även mottaga en del buande från publiken.

Nu 11 år senare berättar Xantia för Kotaku om sina reflektioner till videon, vad som sades och buandet.

“It’s hard to have your voice heard when there are that many guys setting the tone,”

“I think that’s one of the reasons why that video has gone viral. It just exemplifies so much of what’s wrong right now with the industry at large. There is me being utterly dismissed by a panel of men who run the company and at the same time having a small, small group of women in the audience cheer and then that immediately being drowned out by men booing.”

“Honestly, the sound of being booed by that many guys, in some ways that bothered me more than getting dismissed,”

“You had that initial cheer from the women in the crowd and then just a wave of boos.”

Hon avslutar dock intervjun mer positiv:

“I’ve gotten a moderate amount of attention for all this when I’m only tangentially connected to it,”

“I think the important voices are for the women who were actually at Blizzard who have had to endure far, far more than just being dismissed at a convention.”

“There are worse reasons to go viral. And if this helps to actually bring about change then that would be something profoundly good that came out of a pretty small, but still shitty moment.”

Xantia är såklart inte hennes riktiga namn utan det är användarnamnet hon går under i World of Warcraft.