På senare tid har offroadracingserien upplevt något av en renässans med #Motorstorm som den klarast lysande stjärnan och i augusti ger sig en ny konkurrent in i leken - #BAJA. Spelet utvecklas av #2XL Games för #THQ:s räkning och om vi ska tro den entusiatiska utgivarens pressmeddelande kommer det bland annat att bjuda på 40 fordon och en öppen värld på närmare 260 kvadratkilometer att tävla i.

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THQ Announces New Off-Road Racing Franchise Baja

THQ Announces New Off-Road Racing Franchise Baja Publisher THQ has announced Baja, an off-road racing title currently in development by 2XL Games, founded in 2005 by former heads of Rainbow Studios (THQ's MX vs. ATV franchise). The title will release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in August 2008.

Baja features more than 40 vehicles in eight classes, including Trophy Trucks, 4x4s and buggies. Players can also upgrade and assemble their own vehicles with an array of authentic parts that affect each vehicle's performance, and vehicles can be damaged and repaired

Players can compete head-to-head in Open Class races, off-road races and endurance challenges. Baja will also support four-player split-screen multiplayer, 12-player online and LAN as well as multiple-screen panoramic view.

? More than 100 square miles of the toughest terrain Mother Nature has to offer, including the steepest mountains, thickest mud and deepest canyons ever created

? More than 40 vehicles in eight classes, including Trophy Trucks, 4x4s and buggies

? A full array of upgradeable options with hundreds of authentic parts that affect each vehicle's performance

? Near-vertical Hill Climb challenges, head-to-head Open Class races, circuit races and the ultimate off-road endurance challenge: the Baja.

? Open worlds extend thousands of miles across all landscapes in races that can last up to four hours.

? Revolutionary vehicle physics deliver unprecedented life-like handling, and a support management system allows gamers to monitor and repair realistic vehicle damage as fenders fly, tires are blown, suspension is stressed and engines overheat.

? Support for four-player split screen multiplayer capability, 12-player online and LAN as well as multiple-screen panoramic view.