Världens undergång är nära, i alla fall på skärmen. Kärnvapenkrigen i #Defcon ska släppas i slutet av månaden och när IGN träffade chefsutvecklaren Chris Delay var det dags för en sista genomgång innan mediaslutspurten.

IGN: DEFCON feels like a cross between Missile Command and Risk. How would you describe it?

Chris Delay: I've never been a fan of summarising games by quoting genres or similar games. It just doesn't work for anything that's unusual and it's often quite misleading. DEFCON has elements of Missile Command and Risk, but isn't really like either of them. The simplest explanation would be "multiplayer global thermonuclear war", but even that fails to capture what the game "feels like" to play.

I guess you could say it's a "genocide-'em-up".