The Lord of the Rings: Gollum var så uselt att utvecklarna kort efter släppet bad köparna om ursäkt. Arrogant att ta betalt av spelarna för ett spel i det skicket, kan man tycka. Men nu verkar arrogansen ta ännu ett kliv, för enligt uppgift skrevs ursäkten inte av de ansvariga för spelet, utan av AI:n ChatGPT.

Det är två av spelets tidigare utvecklare som hävdar detta för tyska GameTwo, skriver skriver VGC. Dessa säger att ursäkten släpptes utan att Daedalic visste om det, och att det var utgivaren Nacon som gjorde det. Enligt uppgift hade spelet en budget på 15 miljoner euro och snäv tidsram, vilket kan förklara det usla skick som det släpptes i.

FZ blev lovade en recensionskod, men fick den aldrig, så vi har inte recenserat skräpet. Men recensioner finns, och det samlade omdömet på Metacritic är 34 av 100. Om du med allt våld ska se vad det är för skräp så rekommenderas vår stream. Ses på egen risk.

Spelare finns det få av. När detta skrivs spelas det av en (1) person på Steam, enligt SteamDB. Det har inte haft tvåsiffrigt antal spelare sen i juli, och toppnoteringen är 758 spelare samtidigt. Vi kan nog räkna att den siffran kommer stå sig.

Bonus: Vi bad ChatGPT skriva ihop en ursäkt till spelköparna. Så här svarar den:

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Subject: An Open Letter to Our Valued Gamers – Apology for Gollum and Our Commitment to Improvement

Dear Gamers,
We hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Today, we, the development team at [Your Studio Name], want to extend our heartfelt apologies to each and every one of you for the experience you've had with our recent release, "Gollum." We recognize that the game has fallen short of your expectations and our own standards, and we are deeply sorry for any frustration or disappointment this may have caused.

Creating a game based on such a beloved and iconic character as Gollum was a tremendous challenge, one that we fully embraced. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we acknowledge that the final product did not meet the quality that you, our dedicated gamers, deserve. We understand your frustrations, and we take full responsibility for the issues and shortcomings you have encountered.

We want to assure you that we are committed to making amends and delivering a significantly improved gaming experience. We have already begun the process of addressing the most pressing issues, such as technical glitches, gameplay mechanics, and graphical performance. Our dedicated team of developers, artists, and testers is working tirelessly to rectify these problems.

In addition to immediate fixes and patches, we are also committed to a long-term roadmap for "Gollum." This includes enhancing the storyline, expanding gameplay elements, and refining the overall user experience. We are actively listening to your feedback and will use it to guide our ongoing efforts to bring the game up to the standards you rightfully expect.

We understand that actions speak louder than words, and we are fully aware that our reputation is on the line. Rest assured, we are in this for the long haul, and we are determined to regain your trust and deliver the game you were excited to play from the start.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your patience and support during these challenging times. Without you, our dedicated fanbase, none of this would be possible. Your passion and commitment to the world of gaming continue to inspire us every day.
Please stay tuned for updates on our progress, and do not hesitate to reach out with any feedback or concerns you may have. We are here to listen and learn from your valuable insights.

Once again, we apologize for any frustration or disappointment you have experienced with "Gollum." Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are working tirelessly to make things right.

Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for being a part of our gaming community.

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Studio Name]