#System Shock 2 anses av många som världens genom tiderna bästa spel. Hur det skapades förtäljs nu i en artikel på sidan Next Gen. Här intervjuas Ken Levine - en av grundarna till det nu uppköpta #Irrational Games. För de intresserade bjuds här på mycket matnyttigt och en väldigt spännande läsning.

"[...]we ended up with a game design which was basically our design for Shock 2, but in a totally different world. It was a kind of Heart Of Darkness story, with a military commander gone crazy and your mission was to go to this crazy spaceship and assassinate him."

This was pitched around various publishers. The one that bit was Electronic Arts, which - through its purchase of Origin - was in possession of the System Shock IP. EA suggested that the game could, in fact, be System Shock 2. "And we said, 'Um? sure'," Levine laughs. "I rewrote the story and changed a few of the things, but the game design never changed."