Glada besked för självplågare – Disco Elysium har blivit ännu jävligare.

Det hyllade deckarrollspelet har fått ett hardcore-läge som gör det redan rätt bedrövliga livet ytterligare lite kärvare för vår nersupna huvudperson. Men som tröst har han fått stöd för widescreen-skärmar.

Hardcore-läget innebär bland annat större risk att misslyckas, mindre pengar, högre priser, ökat beroende av tobak och alkohol, med mera. I korthet – större utmaning.

  • You will fail more - The difficulty of every Check goes up, bringing down your chances of success. Solving this case without being a Total Disaster Cop is even harder than normal.

  • You’re going to be poorer - You’ll have even less money, meaning there's less for you to pick up. Better get used to picking up every scrap you can find...

  • Prices have gone up – Pharmaceutical prices have gone up, which means failing costs you even more and they don’t heal you as much.

  • You’ll need to turn to the hard stuff – Booze and cigarettes are going to help you a lot, sweet ciggys clearing your head and extra drink to build courage will become more of a necessity on this playthrough.

  • Most treasured possessions – The few possessions you do have become more important, make sure to treasure what you have!

  • You’ll have to think more carefully – The Thought Cabinet debuffs are more painful when you’re already liable to fail. One the flip side, the bonuses thoughts offer might push you down paths you wouldn’t otherwise take.

  • You’ll level up faster – Failing builds character. You’ll gain extra token amounts of XP every time you finish a task and you’ll level faster and higher, if only marginally.

FZ:s Jocke Bennet fann all den här misären ytterst njutbar när han recenserade Disco Elysium. Han delade ut högsta betyg – 5 av 5. Som om inte det vore nog korade vi också indierollspelet till 2019 års bästa spel.

Disco Elysium kostar för närvarande 32 euro (drygt 300 kronor) på Steam, efter 20 procent rabatt. Gog tar ordinarie pris, 40 euro (cirka 400 kr).