Fram tills nu har alla tålamodsprövande kreationer i Super Mario Maker 2 fått skvalpa omkring som enskilda små individer med i och med den senaste gratisuppdateringen kan du äntligen ge dem ett hem i egna världar. Alla som har spelat ett klassiskt Mario-spel borde känna igen sig i den isometriska vyn där ett antal punkter leder dig fram till områdets slott.

Måla upp världen med verktygen, dekorera med små berg och andra saker, och välj vilka av dina banor som ska ingå. Du kan länka ihop upp till åtta stycken med totalt 40 banor, i princip ett eget Mario-spel.

Och det är inte allt som ryms i vad Nintendo själva kallar spelets sista stor uppdatering.

In addition to World Maker, guess who else is making an appearance in Super Mario Maker 2? The Koopalings! All seven of these troublemakers, each with his or her own movement pattern, can be added to user-created courses. Other enemies added to the game include the key-chasing Phanto and the wind-up Mechakoopas.

Additional power-ups and course parts are also coming to Super Mario Maker 2 as part of the free update. This includes the SMB2 Mushroom, which transforms Mario and friends into their look from the Super Mario Bros. 2 game and allows them to pick up and throw items and enemies – just like in that classic game! With the Frog Suit from the Super Mario Bros. 3 game, Mario can swim through water with ease, and even run across its surface! Other power-ups added to the game are the Power Balloon first introduced in the Super Mario World game, the Super Acorn from the New Super Mario Bros. U game and the Boomerang Flower from Super Mario 3D World. There are also five variations for wearables like the Cannon Box and Propeller Box from the Super Mario 3D World game.