Brendan Greene a.k.a. "Playerunknown" får kanske fundera på ett nytt alias, för han är nämligen i princip färdig med Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. Han tar sitt pick och pack, och lämnar Seoul för Amsterdam. Han är emellertid inte färdig med PUBG Corp. då han kommer bygga upp ett nytt team, kallat PUBG Special Projekt. Det berättar Greene på Twitter.

Greene kommer framöver ha rollen som "consulting creative director" för PUBG, men det blir Taseok Jang som leder arbetet med battle royale-giganten (som trots tuffa tider fortsätter vara just en gigant). Det låter som om Greene har siktet inställt mer på sin nya roll än "gamla" PUBG.

The past five years of my life has been all about battle royale. From the early days working on a mod to getting the chance to create my vision for a battle royale title, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds.

It's been an incredible journey and our game has reached heights I never thought possible. Seeing the game grow into what it is today has been a dream come true and I can't thank our fans and the incredible team at PUBG Corporation enough.

Det låter definitivt som ett farväl till PUBG, vars battle royale-upplägg de senaste åren färgat av sig på Fortnite, Call of Duty, nya fenomenet Apex Legends och (snart) Battlefield. Exakt vad Greene säger han inte, men det låter som om det kommer handla om nya tankar och innovationer.

...exploring, experimenting, and creating new technologies, tools, pipelines, and gameplay; but for me, it is more than that. Together with a team of game developers and researchers, we will explore new possibilities of interaction and connection within the game space.

I've spent the past two years on the road meeting so many of you at conventions and other industry events, which has been a fantastic experience, but I missed having a place to call home and a room to play games. So, I can't wait to start this new journey with a new team in a new city, play some games again, and see what the future holds.