Free to play har blivit en granska bred benämning som kan betyda olika saker i olika sammanhang. Därför känner sig Funcom manade att förklara hur pass gratis The Secret World Legends faktiskt är. Väldigt gratis, är en god sammanfattning.

Hela spelet, som enligt dem innehåller 100+ timmar av uppdrag och story, är gratis. Du behöver inte betala för något men möjligheten finns där om du känner för att ta en monetär genväg. Spelet har också två valutor och hur dessa fungerar förklaras ingående.


A pillar of our free-to-play model is being able to obtain anything through simply playing the game. Every item, skill, and ability in the game can be obtained without needing to pay real money for it–granted, you always have the option to buy things with cash, but you are never physically required to do so for anything.

The foundation of this pillar is a player-driven economy revolving around two currencies: Marks of Favour, and Aurum. There are many things you can only purchase with Marks of Favour, and some only with Aurum.

Marks of Favour are a flexible currency used for a variety of things, such as purchasing items from the Auction House, additional weapons, potion refills, dungeon keys, fusing items, cosmetic options, social items, and more. They are collected by completing daily challenges and by selling items to other players through the auction house–just playing the game.

For example, while each starting Class comes with only 2 different weapons, you can unlock every other weapon and ability for your character by spending Marks of Favour. You never need to pay cash or Aurum to unlock the other weapons for your character!

Aurum is Secret World Legends’ premium currency–you purchase Aurum with real money and use it to acquire various items, conveniences, and services. These include things like additional character slots, boosters, extra inventory space, vanity items (pets, mounts, outfits), and more.

Lanseringen sker senare i sommar, närmare bestämt den 26 juni.