För lite mer än tre dagar sedan öppnade crowdfunding-kampanjen för #Wasteland 3. Det var all tid som krävdes för att uppnå målet på 2,75 miljoner dollar. Med 25 dygn kvar på kampanjen finns det utrymme att håva in ordentligt med pengar.

I ett inlägg tackar utvecklarna #Inxile Entertainment för förtroendet:

"Without you, we would simply not be able to maintain our independence and keep fully true to our visions for great RPGs that you love. We also cannot fail to mention those who have chosen to invest in the financial performance of the game – their contributions have also been invaluable. Your trust and support means the world to us. So kick back, put your red boots up, and have some squeezins to celebrate."

Nu blickar de mot bonusmålen som bland annat innehåller kosmetiska valmöjligheter och en talande bil som hatar kommunister. Saxat från inlägget:

  • $2.85M: 37 Pieces of Flair – We unlock further Ranger customization, which could include multiple body types, more heads, and more hairstyles. Plus we’ll show items that your Ranger has equipped (gear like shovels, binoculars, etc) on their models.

  • $3M: Car Companion (Codename: Morningstar) – We add a talking car companion! Morningstar is an AI built to serve President Reagan, but he'll help you both in your travels and during combat, plus he'll give you well-timed advice on how to wipe out all the dirty commies out there. See more on him below!

  • $3.1M: Customizable Ranger Squad Insignia – At the start of the game, you get to customize a Ranger Squad insignia for your team, which will show up on your Ranger Base as well as elsewhere in the game (on flags, for example).

Till Fig-kampanjen för Wasteland 3!