Onlive lanserades som en av de första streamingtjänsterna för spel under 2011, men lyckades dessvärre aldrig bli särskilt framgångsrik. Trots att de undvikit döden förut plockas servrarna ner den 30 april. Företaget skriver på hemsidan:

After five years of uninterrupted service, the OnLive Game Service will be coming to an end. Sony is acquiring important parts of OnLive, and their plans don’t include a continuation of the game service in its current form. Your service should continue uninterrupted until April 30, 2015. No further subscription fees will be charged, and you can continue to play all of your games until that date.

As the first-ever game streaming service of its kind, everyone who has ever played a game using OnLive has contributed to the technology and its evolution in some way. We’re immensely proud of what’s been achieved and extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for being a part of the OnLive Game Service.

#Sony har köpt Onlives runt 140 patent rörande streaming-tekniken, något som säkert kommer väl till pass i deras satsning på tekniken via Playstation Now och Remote Play.

Via Eurogamer.